Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton Naked Pictures Featured in Art Show

September 4, 2014 3:35 PM EDT

A Florida art gallery announced Wednesday that it will be featuring the leaked nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton in a new show.

The controversial pictures will be displayed unaltered on life-sized canvas prints as part of artist XVALA’s “Fear Google” campaign. The show features images from the past seven years of celebrities caught “in their most vulnerable and private moments, that were comprised by either hackers or the paparazzi,” according to the Cory Allen Contemporary Art gallery’s website.

Other images will include Britney Spears with a shaved head and hacked naked pictures of Scarlett Johansson. The show is aptly title “No Delete” and is meant to fuel the debate on privacy in the digital age.

The show will open Oct. 30 in St. Petersburg, Fla..
